Prof. Dr. Ans Kolk
Amsterdam Business School
Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Ans Kolk is full professor at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands. Her areas of expertise are in corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and sustainability, especially in relation to international business. She has published numerous articles in international reputable journals, as well as book chapters and books. Her work at the forefront has been widely recognized and is highly cited. Ans is a fellow of the Academy of International Business; a select group of distinguished scholars who have been recognized for their outstanding contributions. Kolk ranks high in the list of top business and management scientists and is amongst the most prominent scholars and key contributors to the multinational nonmarket strategy literature. Further recognitions include the EABIS/Aspen Institute Faculty Pioneer European Award (Lifetime Achievement Award), which recognises exceptional faculty who are leaders in integrating environmental and social issues into their research and teaching both on- and off-campus (2009), and the Elsevier-wide Atlas award for social impact for her single-authored article 'The social responsibility of international business'.
Publications Professor Kolk has published in a range of international journals, both ‘mainstream’ and specialized ones. More generic journals include Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Management International Review, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research and Organization. Examples of more specialized outlets for her work are World Development, Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Society, Climate Policy, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Besides single-authored articles, Ans has co-authored papers with scholars from many different (sub)disciplines, including chemistry, political science, geography, law, humanities, accounting, marketing, economics, entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation.
Professional/service activities
Professor Kolk is currently area editor for Journal of International Business Studies, and consulting editor of Journal of International Business Policy. She also co-edited special issues for several journals, and is editorial board member of and reviewer for a wide range of outlets. Ans has been involved in organisational matters (including panel/track organisation, chair and board roles, review and mentoring activities), served as keynote speaker and presented papers at many international academic conferences. At her university, she has held several managerial roles over the years, including founding research director of the Amsterdam Business School and initiating chair of the international strategy & marketing department. Kolk is also co-directing interdisciplinary research priority areas and member of university-wide advisory bodies. She has a long-standing involvement in many international collaborative research projects with private, public and non-profit actors, and in attracting funding from national and international entities.