Refereed articles

Ciulli, F. & Kolk, A. (2023). International Business, digital technologies and sustainable development: Connecting the dots. Journal of World Business, 58(4), 101445.
Link to SSRN

Ocelík, V., Kolk, A., & Ciulli, F. (2023). Multinational Enterprises, Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 413(4), 137434.
Link to SSRN

Ocelík, V., Kolk, A., & Irion, K. (2023). Shifting Battlegrounds: Corporate Political Activity in the General Data Protection Regulation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
Link to journal

Professional publications

Boe-Lillegraven, S., Georgallis, P., & Kolk, A. (2023). Freeze, fight, or flee? Firms’ reactions to climate disasters and the consequences for community resilience. Management Studies Insights Blog, 5 December.
Link to SSRN


UvA-onderzoek: Wat doen bedrijven als een stormvloed de Randstad raakt?
Link to SSRN
